

Mental Well-Being

(Video) Success Without Sacrificing Your Mental Well-Being with Eva Medilek

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever feel burned out trying to succeed in life? Sometimes we sacrifice our mental well-being to achieve our goals.  If you are interested to learn some secrets of a successful life so you could actually live happily and healthily then this episode might help you. In this program,…

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Female Leadership

(Video) ​​Overcoming Barriers To Female Leadership; Strategies for Building Resilience with Bernadette Bruckner

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you feel like there are a lot of barriers for women to come to leadership positions? It is encouraging to see efforts being made to attain gender equality in the workplace. However, professional women still face barriers to being recognized as leaders. Is there anything we can do to…

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(Video) Declutter Your Brain By Emptying Your Mental Garbage Bin

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you sometimes feel as if your mind is being flooded with so many thoughts and emotions that you become mentally exhausted? We all have days when we feel overwhelmed and unmotivated; days when we feel like breaking down and letting all our unpleasant emotions loose. If you have that…

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work less

(Video-Interview): The 80/20 Principle: Work Less, Live More; Interview With Joey Drolshagen

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Are you overworked, stressed, and unable to find time for other meaningful things in your life? Most of us tend to believe that the path to living our best life is by working hard and cramming our schedules full of endless pursuits. But is it really possible to live the…

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Seek A Therapist

(Video) When To Seek A Therapist

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you have depression or anxiety, but are unsure whether you can handle the symptoms on your own or whether professional help is necessary? Depression and anxiety are so common, and everybody experiences stress and anxiety at some point. How do you decide when to do the self-work and when…

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Healthy Eating

Promoting Mental Health Through Healthy Eating and Nutritional Care; Dale Wallace Uncovers The Relationship Between Exercise, Nutrition, and Brain

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Have you ever wondered how eating proper food or exercise can affect your mental health? Research has found that eating well, getting regular exercise can help boost psychological well-being and reduce the risk of conditions like depression and anxiety. While many people talk about improving their physical health, only a…

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Floating Bubble Meditation

(Video) How To Stop Racing Thoughts Before Sleep; Floating Bubble Meditation

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you have trouble sleeping at night due to your constantly active mind? Excessive thinking at night is one of the most common causes of insomnia. Our minds tend to be on high alert especially when we are worrying about something or when we remember something we think we “should”…

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Attitude of Gratitude

Cultivate The Attitude of Gratitude; Dr. Rozina’s interview for Vikki Rood’s Habit Mastery Summit

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Are you struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness in this time of uncertainty? Many of us face difficult situations especially during this time of pandemic, and we can’t help but feel lonely and frustrated. The great news is that you don’t have to be stuck in this feeling…

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Psychology of Decluttering

(Video-Interview): Psychology of Decluttering; Valerie Huard shares How To Declutter To Reduce Stress

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Have you ever struggled with keeping your environment tidy as an unconscious effect of trauma or negative life experiences? When people feel traumatized, they become afraid of any change. Change means loss of control and that reminds them of trauma. As a result, they sometimes tend to hoard  things. Would…

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Overcome feeling

(Video) Overcome feeling like nothing is in your control

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Have you ever had a feeling like everything seems out of your control? Do you tend to allow the circumstances around you to rob you of your ability to direct your life and make conscious choices? Recently, a patient told me that she felt so overwhelmed that nothing was going…

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