Don’t just Manage Stress, Master and Transform It.
Gold Standard of Stress Assessment: Stress Mastery Questionnaire
If you are ready to start transforming your stress to joy and want to figure out where your stress is coming from so you can focus on the most crucial areas then SMQ is your answer.
Take the research-based, internationally recognized, Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ) created by stress psychologist Dr. James Petersen and gain a clearer understanding of the causes of your stress today.
We have partnered with Stressmaster International to provide you with this validated tool so you can combine it with the power of Stress to Joy programs.
Take the first step, find the problem so you can focus on the solution.
SMQ is your first step for a happy and healthy mind which is necessary for achieving your best performance, productivity, and potential.
Assess Your Stress
Take the 15-minute SMQ*
Now Just $97 (Normally $250 – 60% OFF)
and receive immediate results
Join more than 600,000 people who have taken the test in the US, UK, Germany, South Africa, Chile, Canada, Slovenia, and Norway.
Stress management involves making conscious decisions to change how you react to everyday events as well as major life events.
As a Stressmaster International Associate, Dr. Rozina and her team can help facilitate your and your team’s wellness by offering the STRESS MASTERY QUESTIONAIRE and STRESS TO JOY PROGRAMS.
- AWARENESS Become aware of how stress may be affecting you.
- FOCUS Identify the most critical areas to focus on to reduce and master stress.
- KNOWLEDGE Get sound information to help you master and transform stress.
- MOTIVATION Get motivated with a wake-up call and a clear path for stress mastery.
What is the (SMQ) Stress Mastery Questionnaire?
The Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ) is both a personal stress “risk” assessment and an educational tool that can help you identify and understand your Stress Warning Signs, types of Stressors you are currently facing, and the possible effects on your health and well-being. Test and feedback on this is the first step towards transforming your stress to joy.
The SMQ is comprised of 11 scales in three (3) separate stress categories
Stress Effects Scale
● Physical Stress Effects
● Life Work Satisfaction
Stressor Scales
● Life Events
● Hassles
Stress Warning Signs
● Hostility/Anger
● Time Urgency
● Perfectionism
● Disappointment
● Burnout
● Under-Achievement
● Tension
Steps to Master Your Stress!
Get Feedback
Once you’ve completed the SMQ, you will immediately receive your Stress Profile. This document highlights specific areas such as Anger, Disappointment, Time Urgency, Perfectionism, and 7 other areas that may be a concern for you.
Obtain Clarity
You will receive the Detailed Stress Report via email. It shows you exactly how you responded to each question and helps you focus on specific areas for personal change and stress mastery.
Chart Your Course
You will also get a link to schedule a 15-minute complimentary call to review the results with you. After the appointment, we will also share the Stress Mastery Guide: A Roadmap to Resilience– a 42-page guide that helps you interpret your results and provides specific guidance on what to know and do about any high levels of stress that were identified when you took the SMQ
Stay Motivated
Change is not easy, we are here to help you with offerings such as books, online courses, group coaching, and 1:1 consultation.
In case you need treatment for your stress-related conditions like depression and anxiety, our team at Shifa health may be able to help.
Assess Your Stress
Take the 15-minute SMQ*
Now Just $97 (Normally $250 – 60% OFF)
and receive immediate results
“Do you want to help your whole team master stress for greater Positivity, Productivity and Performance”?