

How to Sleep Better Naturally and Peacefully

(Video) How to Sleep Better Naturally and Peacefully

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever struggle with sleep? Would you like to learn some powerful techniques to help you sleep better naturally and peacefully? Without restful sleep, your mind and body can not function at their best. On the other hand, worrying too much about not getting proper sleep or taking over-the-counter sleep…

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self-care for mom

(Video) Self-care for Mom without Feeling Guilty; Three Powerful Tools

640 480 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you know of a mother who feels guilty for taking care of herself? Not only mothers, but many caring parents, teachers, and people in the role of caring for others feel guilty about self-care for mom. Maybe you are one of them. You may feel that taking time for yourself…

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(Video) How to Prevent Depression and Anxiety; 7 Proven Tools for Parents

640 358 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Are you a caring parent who is concerned about increasing rates of depression and anxiety?  Would you like to know how you can prevent depression and anxiety for your kids and yourself?  If we want to control the devastating effects of depression and anxiety, we would need to focus on prevention…

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stress management treatment

(Video) Stress Management Techniques for Healthcare Professionals

640 480 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you know of a healthcare professional (or you are one) who is trying to manage stress without losing sanity? Especially during these stressful times with COVID 19 pandemic? # Stress Management Techniques  To appreciate health care workers who are on the frontline of this pandemic, I did this special…

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Relieve Stress of Working from Home

How to Relieve Stress of Working from Home Without Losing Your Sanity

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Are you facing the stress of working from home during the Corona Virus Pandemic?  In this interview with the American Institute of Stress ( Stress.org), I shared many simple and practical tools that you can use to relieve the stress of working from home without losing your sanity.  Click here…

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stress management

(Video) How to Practice Mindfulness for Stress Management; Three Essential Components for Calm, Focus and Joy.

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you struggle with stress management? Have you heard about mindfulness, but are unsure how it works? Would you like to learn how to practice Mindfulness for Stress Management? In this interview, I shared the MAP of Mindfulness-3 critical components of mindfulness so you could enjoy the peace, calm, focus,…

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(Video) Laughter Therapy For Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Does laughter come to you easily? We know that laughter is one of the best medicines (in it is free), yet sometimes it is hard to laugh, especially in times of fear and uncertainty, like the one we are going through currently because of COVID19. In this recording of our…

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better sleep

How to Get Better Sleep Without Sleep Aids

612 408 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever feel groggy, tired, and irritable when you don’t get restful sleep?  Would you like to sleep better without sleep aids?  Then the following tips may help you.  Let’s use Salima’s example. She is a friend of mine who works, attends school, and is an active volunteer in…

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work stress

7 Ways to Dodge Job Stress

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“My work stress is driving me nuts,”; My friend Connie said one day. Do you ever feel that way?  According to one survey, 80% of employees reported feeling stressed at work and 60% of absenteeism was associated with stress in some ways in that survey.  Although stress can come from…

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Do you have low energy levels

IDHD – Food and Mood

560 315 rozina

Have you ever noticed that you feel cranky when you don’t get proper food at proper times? Do you ever wonder how food affects your mood and your mind’s ability to function?  Read on to learn what Jim discovered and how changing his food affected his mood. This is what…

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