
(Video) How to Prioritize When Everything is Important; Using Agile Method

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you struggle with multiple demands in life? 

Most people do, but working women, especially women in leadership, specifically struggle with this issue. 

How to balance work and home life and prioritize when everything is necessary? 

When there are too many to-do’s you can’t focus properly, and your productivity goes down. 

What to do? 

In this interview, for ‘Happy and Healthy Mind with Dr. Rozina.’ my guest Shelisa Bainbridge shared a few powerful productivity tools – Agile methods. As a coach, she teaches these tools for Prioritization to large corporations. These methods can also be applied in our personal lives to increase personal organization and minimize stress due to multiple demands. 

Shelisa is the creator of ShelisaB.com and the Head of Human-Centered Delivery at Agile by Design. She has over 20 years of Corporate experience helping professionals increase their influence and impact to lead lasting, meaningful changes within their organizations.

Shelisa has seen the benefits of using these methods in her personal life and the lives of people she has helped. I also found them helpful and have started applying in my life. 

Would you like to learn some of those tools? Then check out this video.

In this interview, you will learn:

  • Why it is essential to become centered and focussed to avoid overwhelm from too many demands.
  • Tips like: 
    • Ruthless Prioritization and limiting WIP ( Work in Progress to One
    • Using a three by three matrix based on value and urgency
    • Visualizing all critical projects and tasks using KANBAN
    • Collaborate with Team ( home and work)
    • Celebrate work completing
    • Conducting personal retros.  
  • My special journal prompt: Priorities of the day 

During this program, Shelisa also shared a FREE 14-PAGE Guide: Top 5 things You can do Today to Grow your Organizational Influence!:

If you would like FREE access to this guide, text JOYFUL to 38470, and I will text back the link to the download page. 

On this page, you will find links to many other resources shared by various guests on ‘Happy and Healthy Mind with Dr. Rozina’. I will even send you reminders to these valuable interviews and resources in the future. You will be able to unsubscribe anytime. 

 So, did you watch the video yet? Click here to view it now.

Let me know which of Shelisa’s methods work for you. Are there other ways that help you keep your life organized and prioritized? I love to learn and share.

And if you think someone can benefit from this information, please share and join the mission of transforming stress, preventing depression, and spreading health and happiness to more than a million people.

Dedicated to your health and happiness, 

Dr. Rozina

P.S: Our next session topic is: “Resilience to Change in the Workplace; Tips to Prepare for Success.” Our guest Nita Sanger, a transformational C-suite executive (CEO, COO) with expertise in transforming services businesses, will share her tips for transforming yourself and continue to grow despite changing times. Join me on Saturday, 9/12/2020, at 11 am Pacific Time for this critical interview https://www.facebook.com/DrRozinaL/live/

P.S: BTW, have you received your copy of the audiobook of “Stress to Joy; Your Tool kit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes” yet? If not, get the audiobook today, FREE at https://adbl.co/2w9LL5W with a 30-day Audible trial, and start transforming your stress to joy.

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