
How much will you save if you stop smoking?

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Do you or someone you care about smokes? 

Today, one of my patients, Maya, who is having back pain, shared her difficulty with smoking. So I thought of sharing with you some aha’s and resources that helped her. It may help you (or someone you care about) save your money and your life.

Maya reported that she needs to go for back surgery but can’t until she stops smoking. Her doctor told her that her lungs and her heart are being affected by her smoking. Additionally,  she will also heal more slowly if she continues to smoke. 

As I know, she has financial stress. I found another angle that gave her a more significant incentive to quit; SAVE MONEY.

You may say it only costs 10 dollars a day for a pack of cigarettes — what a big deal. 

How much would that be? 300 dollars a month.

But, did you know that if you quit smoking and save that 10 dollars a day, you can save $134,267.41 in 20 years?

Is that a big deal?

Use this calculator to find your savings: https://smokefree.gov/quit-smoking/why-you-should-quit/how-much-will-you-save

This cost-saving didn’t include the cost of health care and lost opportunities; you can save.

Did you know that on average, people who smoke die ten years earlier than people who don’t smoke?

But there is hope.

If you quit now;

  • within three months of quitting, your blood circulation and breathing will improve.
  • One year after quitting, your excess risk of coronary heart disease will be cut in half. Your risk of heart attack will drop sharply.
  • Two to five years after quitting, your risk of stroke will fall to about the same level as someone who doesn’t smoke.
  • Ten years after quitting, your cancer risk will drop by 50 percent.

So you may say, “I want to stop, but it is difficult.”

Yes, Quitting any tobacco use is difficult. Why?

Because Nicotine, a chemical in tobacco, is extremely addictive. It is similar to cocaine and comparable to heroin.

Therefore, it can take several attempts to quit tobacco successfully. But, the more times someone tries to stop, the more likely they are to succeed in their next try.

So don’t give up. If you ( or someone you care about) would like to save this money and become healthier and happier, you can quit now.

Telephone support is available at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or online at quitline.com

There are many other free resources also available, including:

I hope these tools and resources are helping you.

Dedicated to your health and happiness,

Dr. Rozina

# 1 Bestselling Author, Psychiatrist, Transformational Speaker


PS: Update on the book; “I Don’t Have Depression”: I am done writing the first chapter and working on the second. If you would like to be an early reader, you can still join me on this journey. Click here.


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Guided Gratitude Journal

I share many tools and techniques that I have found to be helpful. They are not intended to replace treatments. Please seek treatment from licensed medical or health professionals as needed. I change all names for privacy.


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