

How to become a confident speaker, despite the fear of public speaking

1200 900 Dr Rozina Lakhani

“I get butterflies in my stomach if I am asked to speak.” My friend Karima told me one day.  “Me too.”  “How come. You appear to be so confident on the stage” she asked, “You give talks to big crowds and train so many people. How could you have a…

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Do you have low energy levels

IDHD – Food and Mood

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Have you ever noticed that you feel cranky when you don’t get proper food at proper times? Do you ever wonder how food affects your mood and your mind’s ability to function?  Read on to learn what Jim discovered and how changing his food affected his mood. This is what…

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Negative stress into positive effect

[Podcast] How to change a negative experience into positive action

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Do you ever wonder how to change a negative experience into positive? I’m excited to share my appearance on The Nobody Guide to Life podcast, E68, where you may find an answer to this question and many more like: How a simple practice helped me change my negative experience into a…

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Why Is It Hard to Remain Stress Free?

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The other day when my friend and I were meeting over coffee, the topic came up. “Why is it so hard to remain stress free state?”  She asked, “When I use some relaxation technique, I do feel relief. But it doesn’t last. I feel stressed again within a short time.…

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When your trouble feels too big- inspirational song lyrics and video

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The other day, my friend Laila said; “Some times life is tough.” She is going through some difficult times and I have been trying to empower her with some tools. So, today I woke up with the thought of sharing this beautiful Urdu song I had heard in the past.…

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How to Get You Through Life’s Challenges Without Losing Hope

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The other day, I ran into my friend Judy, and she seemed very stressed. She was wearing a wrinkled outfit. She hadn’t taken any care of her appearance before running to the store. She seemed to be dragging the weight of the world. Over a cup of tea, she opened…

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stress management

Stress To Joy – My Story

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I hope you are enjoying some of the exercises I have sent to you in the past. Today I would like to tell you why I chose to focus on writing the book “Stress to Joy“. You can help yourself by developing these tools to decrease your stress and increase…

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Camel Faced Technique

How to let go of past insults with Camel Face Technique

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The other day, my friend Rene and I met for lunch. As we were catching up, she shared her frustration due to a coworker’s demeaning comments. One time he even called her “stupid”. She knows that she is smart, but she was having a hard time letting go. Those words…

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