Do you always think that alcohol can help you cope with stress?
Sometimes, people believe that alcohol can help you cope with stress. However, alcohol actually makes stress worse. Stress impairs your judgment, your ability to process emotions, and your body’s ability to fight off fatigue and illness. By drinking alcohol when you’re under stress, you won’t be able to perform as well at work or in social situations.
Would you like to learn the effects of drinking alcohol while you are stressed?
Then watch this video:
In this video, I discussed how alcohol affects your mind and body during a high level of stress.
Here are some of my key takeaways from this episode:
1. Alcohol numbs your feelings down, you don’t process what was bothering you. Drinking alcohol can numb your feelings, but it doesn’t process what it was that was bothering you. The next day when you wake up your problem is still there and hasn’t been resolved.
2. Alcohol can help you fall asleep. Sometimes, you think it would help you sleep because it numbs you down, but even one glass of wine actually messes up your sleep. So when you wake up in the morning, you wake up with a headache and you don’t feel rested.
3. Alcohol gives you empty calories. It’s the amount of calories going in and the amount of calories going out really determines your body weight. So when you’re putting in extra calories, it is just adding extra weight without you even realizing.
4. Alcohol decreases your seizure threshold. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means it slows down your brain function and may put you at risk for seizures or blackouts.
5. Alcohol affects your cognition. It has a range of effects on the brain, affecting your behavior and cognitive abilities. You may feel that you are doing better than others but in reality, those abilities are just masked by alcohol and will come to you once you sober up.
What have you learned from the video?
Tell us some of your deceptions that you believed when drinking alcohol.
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Remember, every day is a new day with new opportunities to make decisions. When making decisions, remember to first reflect on what is the right thing to do based on your beliefs and values. Understand why you are doing it and stay aware of how it is going to affect you in the future.
Dedicated To Your Health and Happiness,
Dr. Rozina
P.S. Do you feel that burnout is affecting your career, your relationships, and your finances? Burnout rates have gone up to 53% in working women especially in leadership. Would you like to learn an effective mind-training technique to combat burnout and stop losing money? Join this FREE webinar 1 Minute Burnout Solution for Corporate Leaders on June 24, 2022, at 1 PM PT. Register here and save your seat! See you and let us live a happier and healthier life!
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