If you are feeling depressed, should you still laugh?
Laughter can heal your soul and help your mental stability and spirit. There may be times that you may be feeling depressed, but humor will help to lighten things up for you.
Would you like to learn the benefits of laughing to uplift your emotional state?
Then watch this video
In this video, I discussed how laughter can help you deal in the tough times of life.
Here are some of my key takeaways from this episode:
- Emotional states are meant to be moved through.
- Laughing helps you uplift your mood.
- You have a lot of control over the things that you choose to do.
- When you are laughing, it produces a certain chemical in the brain called endorphin that helps you keep going throughout the day.
What have you learned from the video?
Tell us some of your experiences when you use laughing to combat sadness.
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Spotify: https://bit.ly/drrspotA
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Video: https://bit.ly/hhm31sp
By sharing, you will participate in the mission of promoting joy and happiness.
Remember, some people work hard to hide their emotional pain. There are times that depression is interfering with your personal and professional life. But humor can help you take a lighter look at difficult situations and help you maintain a positive attitude during difficult days.
Dedicated To Your Health and Happiness,
Dr. Rozina
P.S. Is stress making you feel sick?
Have you applied all the practical techniques from the best-selling book “Stress To Joy”? If not, get it today and discover how to reduce stress from multiple angles and even turn stress into an opportunity for growth and resiliency. https://www.stresstojoy.com
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