Do you know someone being judged for seeking mental health because of being a leader?
Some people with mental health concerns who are leaders can be misunderstood, ridiculed, or discriminated against by colleagues, friends, or even family. As a result, they may assume you are unstable, or dangerous due to your mental health issues.
Would you like to learn tips on how to reduce the stigma of having mental health concerns as leaders and seeking care?
In this program, our guest, Dr. Wong explains the value of destigmatizing mental health when you are into leadership.
Dr. Stephanie J. Wong, Ph.D. is an Asian American, licensed clinical psychologist, entrepreneur, and founder and host of the award-winning, Color of Success Podcast. She works in private practice with Tech professionals, most of which are ethnic minorities, and at a hospital, serving military veterans.
Check out this video so you can discover how to reduce the stigma of having mental health concerns as leaders.
In this interview, you will learn:
00:00 min – Introduction
02:06 min – Mental health barriers of Dr. Wong
03:42 min – Different kind of barriers people face
06:02 min – How mental health discussion can change the life of people
07:57 min – How can someone’s life change after seeking mental health
12:17 min – Tips to overcome mental health barriers
- Pay attention to your mood
- Use mental health days
14:31 min – How to deal repercussions at work
16:56 min – How to overcome fear of being judged
20:16 min – Gift from Dr. Wong (what questions to ask to find the right therapist)
21:17 min – Connect with Dr. Wong (
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So let me share some of my favorite lines from this interview:
“Sometimes people don’t realize that when you don’t take care of yourself, you are not being the best mother or best leader because you resent when people are stressed and burned out, they start developing resentment for the same. Life changed for you after you sought treatment and support for yourself and then you are able to be the best version of yourself. ” – Dr. Rozina
“I 100% encourage my staff to use their time for mental health. Mental health days. That is just so important. It is integrative health, as you mentioned, in terms of, yes, you might have a stomachache, you might hurt your leg or whatnot. But there’s also that mental stress where you just need a day to decompress and turn off and disengage from technology.”
– Dr. Wong
“Seeking help doesn’t mean that you need to be out of commission, seeking help means that you want to prevent being out of commission.”
– Dr. Rozina
“Keep talking about mental health. The more and more we talk about it, the more the stigmatized it’ll be, the more normalized it will be. My hope, I hope in my lifetime, is that it becomes routine. Just like you would go to a dentist twice a year annually that you do have some mental health care and checkup. It is one of the important parts of our health and really can help hinder us or keep us maintained.” – Dr. Wong
How about you? What was your biggest takeaway from this interview and is there a question you would like me to address in the next session? Let me know by submitting your feedback here:
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Remember, prioritizing your mental health is something that could prevent you from any injury or illness. There’s no need to be ashamed if you feel like you need support just because you are a leader. You are only human, you need to take care of yourself so you can keep going.
So today, think about some activities that would help you prevent mental health concerns. A well-balanced life is still the best way to become a great version of yourself so you can lead others well.
Dedicated to your health and happiness,
Dr. Rozina
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