Do you start the day by dealing with small problems, and then you end the day feeling exhausted?
Sometimes, you feel life runs you instead of you running your life. Because of this, you feel overwhelmed with how life treats you, resulting in burnout. However, there are ways for you to have a system to have a more organized way of living.
Would you like to learn practical tools on how a routine can make positive changes in your life?
In this episode, our guest Paul Conley shares some tips to help you realize the value of having morning daily habits that can change your life
Paul is a business and entrepreneur coach. He works with high-performing, high achievers who would like to change their passion into a business. He has been an executive in a large organization for the last ten years and lives in Tampa, Florida.
Check out this video to learn how to make yourself powerful in using morning routines to overcome burnout
In this interview, you will learn:
00:00 min – Introduction
02:13 min – Paul Conley’s experience
06:51 min – Paul’s struggles
08:42 min – How did Paul’s life change after applying routines
10:32 min – The SAVER method by Paul
- Silence
- Affirmation
- Visualization
- Exercise
- Reading
30:40 min – Connect with Paul Conley (LinkedIn)
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So let me share some of my favorite lines from this interview:
“A lot of people think that, okay, if I quit, then the burnout would be over. But you have to kind of change inside before you totally change outside.” – Paul Conley
“I’m not sure that I get a good grade for meditating because normally about a minute and a half in my mind is seven other places. But normally what happens is when I allow myself just to sit idly, I solve problems, I come up with great solutions. But most importantly, my brain is I’m just calm so there can be a problem and I’m going to react very calmly to it most of the time.”
– Paul Conley
“And so then when you are practicing a silence or meditation, any form of meditation, you calm your body, calm your mind to relax. And then it is able to handle the situation calmly and do the problem solving as the as the need arises throughout the day.”
-Dr. Rozina
How about you? What was your biggest takeaway from this interview and is there a question you would like me to address in the next session? Let me know by submitting your feedback here:
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Remember, having a daily morning routine isn’t about adding more to your to-do list for the day. A solid morning routine will brighten your mood and give you more energy during the day, reduce anxiety, boost your productivity levels, and make you feel better overall!
So today, create a short schedule for the morning, beginning with the moment you wake up. Experiment with different orders of activities to find out what works best for you.
Dedicated to your health and happiness,
Dr. Rozina
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