Did you ever try to lose weight for your overall well-being and had difficulty succeeding?
Sometimes, people who try their best to achieve optimum well-being fail due to different barriers. To achieve success in becoming fit and healthy, it’s either you find or lose the motivation to keep going.
Would you like to learn a brain practice that would help you improve your lifestyle so you could achieve your optimum well-being?
In this episode, our guest, Dr. Lloyd Glauberman, has shared his personal experience on how he was able to beat the hurdles of losing weight by developing a beneficial habit.
Dr. Lloyd Glauberman is a world-renowned clinical psychologist and inventor who has been in private practice for over 40 years. After years of working with audio technology, he recently coined the term Lifestyle Intelligence (LQ) and created a widely available app that guides users a clear pathway toward balanced health living in daily 3-minute segments. This cutting-edge system involves a psycho-educational approach to building and maintaining a positive “ecosystem” for a healthy lifestyle.
Check out this video so you can learn how to maintain a behavior that would be beneficial for your overall well- being.
In this interview, you will learn:
00:00 min – Introduction
02:27 min – How lifestyle intelligence became important to Lloyd
08:56 min – Lloyd’s improved well-being
15:08 min – How Lifestyle Intelligence (LQ) app can help maintain a behavior
24:19 min – Connect with Dr. Lloyd Glauberman
To get your FREE resource, SIGN UP at https://bit.ly/HHMGSU
So let me share some of my favorite lines from this interview:
“If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about myself and I know because we’re all more alike than we are different, we all have the ability to run scams on ourselves, and we do that. We humans do that really well. We say, Well, you know what? I don’t really feel like doing this today. Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow. The moment you hear the word tomorrow in your head, you should know automatically you’re running a scam on yourself.”
– Lloyd Glauberman
“Instead of waiting for people to reach that point of burnout completely when there’s no other solution they can find, how can we detect it early? How can we prevent it from going to that point? So you can keep your position that you can keep working on the jobs that you love and find that passion and purpose in life. And so if you can pick it early, if you can prevent it, then we can save so much personally and organizationally because the organization loses when a really great person leaves that organization.”
– Lloyd Galuberman
“So when you lose weight and you can and you realize, well, I have some control over my life, you begin to feel a little bit more confident.”
– Lloyd Glauberman
“People need help right now because the way the culture is set up and there’s so many stressful things going on that anything that can help reduce stress and introduce concepts that can help people manage their life. Is going to be useful..”
– Lloyd Glauberman
How about you? What was your biggest takeaway from this interview and is there a question you would like me to address in the next session? Let me know by submitting your feedback here: http://bit.ly/HHMForm
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By sharing, you will participate in the mission of spreading joy and happiness and living a full life.
Remember, spending more time in your own reflection will help you realize that who you are is greater than any outer appearance. We need to be careful when we’re judging others, because habits of negativity and self-criticism can manifest as obesity and unhealthy relationships.
So today, live your best life and be the match to the world. Take your time to improve yourself, we are all on our own journey trying to find our purpose.
Dedicated to your health and happiness,
Dr. Rozina
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