
(Video) How Does Melatonin Help You Sleep

1080 1080 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever wonder why is it hard for you to sleep at night?

Sometimes, having trouble falling asleep is due to many reasons. You may be thinking a lot of things, you’re too tired and maybe have a sleep disorder. Thus, it affects not only your energy level but also your mood, health, work performance and quality of life. 

Would you like to learn how supplements can help your body get back the natural cycle of sleeping?

Then watch this video:

In this video, I discussed the benefits and risks of taking melatonin to improve your sleeping pattern. 

Here are some of my key takeaways from this episode:

1.We give external supplements to enhance the internal supply of melatonin.It promotes a good sleep cycle,  improve positivity and focus, and reduces depression

2. Lower dose of melatonin is better. Melatonin is a great sleep aid, but it only works if you take the right dose. Some people worry that a lower dose won’t work – but as long as you’re taking melatonin properly, one milligram can do wonders.

3. Set the right timing in taking melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone produced by your body that helps you sleep. By the time you take it and it goes in your body, it takes about 90 minutes for it to properly reach the brain and start working. So for you to get a good night’s sleep, set your alarm for about 90 minutes before bedtime.

What have you learned from the video?

Tell us some of your natural ways to help you have a good quality of sleep. 

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Remember, if you’re having difficulty and you want to use this natural supplement, you can go ahead and use it, but use it in the right dose and right time for a limited period.

So today, take time to reflect about the factors that make it hard for you to fall asleep. Try to set a bedtime routine so you can sleep better and have a refreshed body the next day. In the end, sleep is best when it is natural, without supplementing it with medications.

Dedicated To Your Health and Happiness,


Dr. Rozina

P.S. Do you feel that burnout is affecting your career, your relationships, and your finances? Burnout rates have gone up to 53% in working women especially in leadership. Would you like to learn an effective mind-training technique to combat burnout and stop losing money? Join this FREE webinar 1 Minute Burnout Solution for Corporate Leaders on June 10, 2022, at 1 PM PT.  Register here and save your seat! https://drrozina.com/webinar. See you and let us live a happier and healthier life!

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