
(Video) 5 Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Women; Tara’s Story of Trying To Do It All

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever struggle with the stress of wanting to do it all, yet end up feeling overwhelmed? 

 Most working women struggle with managing work-life balance. Especially women that are in leadership roles often face unique challenges. 

 Learn five work-life balance tips our guest Tara Elizabeth Lehner shared of how she went from a successful but stressful career to being a mindful manager coach. 

The practices that work for her may also work for you. You may also lead your life and work with confidence and connection with minimum stress and maximum joy.  

Tara is a mother of two, a coach for women new to leadership, and the host of Mindful People Managers Facebook group. After a successful but stressful career in clinical drug development, she developed certain practices that helped her transform her stress, develop a work-life balance, and dedicate herself to developing future generations of executives.

In this interview, we discussed; 

  • Why is it essential to develop a work-life balance?
  • What challenges Tara faced with a high-pressure career and parenting? 
  • Five practices that helped her reclaimed her balance!
  • How she helps new leaders lead with confidence and connection now!
  • Guide to giving feedback; for mindful managers

And we ended with my special on how to transform the simple act of cooking to a mindful activity. 

Did you watch the video yet? Click here to view: https://youtu.be/fqO24EbGGrI

To get a FREE download of “Guide to giving feedback; for mindful managers,” and other free resources and reminders about these programs, text JOYFUL to number 38470

Let me know any additional tips that help you live a balanced life. The purpose of this program is to bring health and happiness to more than a million people. Join in the mission of transforming stress, preventing depression, and spreading health and happiness by sharing with others who may benefit.


Dedicated to your health and happiness, 

Dr. Rozina

P.S: Our next session topic is: “Mental Health First Aid For Youth” Join me on Saturday, 8/8/2020, at 11 am Pacific Time for this critical interview https://www.facebook.com/DrRozinaL/live/

P.S: BTW, have you received your copy of the audiobook of “Stress to Joy; Your Tool kit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes” yet? If not, get the audiobook today, FREE at https://adbl.co/2w9LL5W with a 30-day Audible trial, and start transforming your stress to joy.

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