
(Video) Power of Daily Wellness Habits; 5 Easy Practices that Can Change Your Life

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you ever get confused between many different daily wellness practices that different people propose? You cannot follow all of them. Are there a few powerful and proven practices that you can implement in your life for a happier, healthier, and longer life? 

In this interview for “Happy and Healthy Mind with Dr. Rozina,” You can hear from an expert who has distilled five such easy wellness habits that can change your life. And she has data to prove it.

These practices will help you improve your sense of happiness and well-being by up to 63% and will decrease depression, anxiety, and sleep problems by up to 43 %. 

Would you like to learn, Power of Daily Wellness Habits; 5 Easy Practices That Can Change Your Life. Then watch this video by clicking https://youtu.be/m3gYraxx1wM

Our guest, Dr. Saundra Jain is a psychotherapist, researcher, and co-founder of the WILD 5 Wellness program. She is also an Adjunct Clinical Affiliate for the School of Nursing at The University of Texas, Austin, Texas. In this interview, Dr. Jain shared an easy-to-follow program that has proven to improve many lives.  

You will get answers to questions like; 

  • What is wellness and why there is so much interest in wellness nowadays in the media?
  • Why wellness matter?
  • What is Wild 5 Wellness and HERO wellness scale?
  • Research findings of how much these interventions can help us?
  • How to practice each of the five wellness habits and overcome hurdles

Watch the Video

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You can get more information about this program at www.WILD5Wellness.com. The book “The Science and Practice of Wellness” and WILD 5 Wellness Kick start 30 are available on Amazon https://amzn.to/35FbmAX

If you don’t focus on optimum health and wellness and not practice wellness habits, you will not fully enjoy your life. If you practice, you will feel a sense of well-being, health, and happiness. So start today.

Please let me know if you find this information helpful. As you know, my mission is to bring health and happiness to more than a million people. If you think this program can help someone, please share it and join in the mission of transforming stress, preventing depression, and spreading health and happiness. 


Dedicated to your health and happiness, 

Dr. Rozina

PS: If you like these programs, you can also join and ask questions during my weekly Facebook live, “Happy and Healthy Mind with Dr. Rozina,” every Saturday at 11 am Pacific Time. Click https://www.facebook.com/DrRozinaL/live/ for all programs. Next week is special for Mother’s day and mental health awareness month. Don’t miss this important episode. 

PS: Have you received your FREE audiobook yet? Want to give the gift of ‘Stress to Joy; Your tool kit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes’ to your mother on mother’s day? 

Get the audiobook FREE today at https://adbl.co/2w9LL5W and add the set of print books and guided gratitude journal for her to transform her stress into joy.

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