
(Video) TMS for Depression; How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can Help

1280 720 Dr Rozina Lakhani

Do you know someone suffering from depression, and who has not responded to traditional treatments like psychotherapy and medications? They start feeling hopeless.

There is hope.

Many new treatments are available now, including TMS (Transcranial Magnetic stimulation). TMS is a non-medication option for treatment-resistant depression. It uses MRI technology to stimulate the brain to improve depression and several other mental disorders.

About two-thirds of people who have not responded to many medications can also get better with TMS. They either get over their depression completely or improve significantly with this treatment.

As depression occurs in every one out of five people, you may find yourself in a position to help your friends, family, colleagues, clients, or yourself to decide on treatment for depression.  

If you are too scared and don’t have accurate information, you may deprive your loved ones of getting the treatment that can alleviate their suffering. 

On the other hand, if you have the right information, you may be able to help them and reduce their suffering. Therefore you need to learn about this novel brain stimulation treatment that works without any medications for many mental disorders, including depression.  

I have been helping people with depression for more than 20 years as a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry. I have seen many people getting better with TMS treatment. 

As this is a unique treatment strategy, people have many questions. Therefore I made this instructional video to answer their concerns about TMS for depression. If you would like to learn about this treatment modality, so you can help people you care about, then click here to watch the video:

In this video, you will find answers to questions like:

  • What is TMS?
  • Does TMS work? 
  • Who can benefit from TMS? 
  • When to use and when not to use TMS?
  • What are the pros and cons of TMS for depression?
  • Why doesn’t everyone with depression get TMS?
  • How to find if TMS is right for you?

I have also made a resource for you, including a self-assessment tool for depression and a TMS checklist. Although only a TMS specialist can decide if it is the right treatment for you, this checklist may give you a pretty good idea. 

 You can download the TMS checklist here: https://bit.ly/TMScheck. 

Did you watch the video yet? If not, click here to view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbDdgouc7ak

Was it helpful? 

If so, share the video with someone who can benefit from it.

My mission is to bring health and happiness to more than a million people. Like, share, subscribe to the channel so more people could transform their stress, prevent mental illness, and live with optimum health and happiness. I appreciate you in advance for spreading the message. 

Remember, life will present many challenges/stressors, like depression. It may not be in your control to stop them from coming, but you can take steps to respond to them in the best possible way.  

If you don’t take proactive steps for mental fitness, to help yourself and people you care about, you may suffer unnecessarily. If you do, you can enjoy a happy and healthy mind. 

Take a step today.

You can do it. 

Dedicated to your health and happiness. 

Dr. Rozina

P.S: Our next session topic is: “ECT for Depression; Break the Myths and Find the Facts.” Join me on Saturday, 9/26/2020, at 11 am Pacific Time as I interview Dr. Josh Bess – MD- Psychiatrist, for our weekly Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/DrRozinaL/live/. I am looking forward to connecting with you. 

P.S.: BTW, have you received your copy of the audiobook of “Stress to Joy; Your Tool kit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes” yet? If not, get the audiobook today, FREE at https://adbl.co/2w9LL5W with a 30-day Audible trial, and start transforming your stress to joy.

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