
Stress To Joy – My Story

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I hope you are enjoying some of the exercises I have sent to you in the past.

Today I would like to tell you why I chose to focus on writing the book “Stress to Joy“.

You can help yourself by developing these tools to decrease your stress and increase your joy. In that process you’ll find that your focus would improve, your efficiency and productivity will improve and you will feel happier. Joyfulness is contagious. You will find that when you are happy, it spreads to people around you too. As you pass the kindness forward, you would help me spread the message further.

So what is my story? Why did I decide to work on Stress to Joy? There are three main reasons:

  • I see suffering.
  • I experience stressors in my life.
  • I have been blessed with the knowledge and education to help.

Let me clarify a little more.

First, I see suffering in my patients, in my friends and in the communities around me. I have been practicing Psychiatry for almost two decades in different settings, hospital, community, and private practice. Now I specialize in treating the most severe and resistant forms of depression by using an MRI based treatment called TMS ( Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation).

People come to me after they have tried many different techniques and medications and suffered for a long time. I try to do more than just provide the treatment they come for. I want to help them develop resilience so they can prevent a recurrence. Every time I see a patient who has been suffering for a long time I wonder how much suffering could have been prevented if this person could have received help earlier.

Due to a problem with stigma, I find that people don’t want to seek help until it becomes totally intolerable.

I searched deeply about what can be done to prevent suffering in the first place. I found that when people learn certain tools to manage their day to day stress and develop certain approaches in life, a lot of suffering could be prevented. I felt that if I can share these tools with people in earlier stages, then I can empower them to decrease their stress, increase their joy, and in turn avoid unnecessary suffering.

Second, I experience stress in my day to day life.

Juggling between different responsibilities of family, business, profession, and community; I experience stress first hand. I also had a life-changing experience when I got into a car accident and broke my right hand. I have shared that in more details in my book “Stress To Joy”.

Due to both the stress of adjusting to life after the accident and the day to day life stressors, I had to learn and utilize many tools to help me maintain my ability to feel the joy and continue to help others. I wanted to share those tools with others so it could help them too.

Third, I had an opportunity to get educated in systems that emphasized prevention and promotion of health in addition to treatment.

My medical school, Aga Khan University, in Pakistan focused on community health where we worked with a particular community throughout our medical school to improve their health through health education. When I went for my residency in psychiatry at the University of Illinois in Chicago, I took a public psychiatry track.

I was also able to do my Masters in Public Health at the same university. So my education gave me tools to work on empowering through education. My patients, my friends and my life all have added to the tools and have been great teachers.

So I decided to help more people. In addition to providing treatment, I am focusing on prevention more. I have made an intention of helping more than a million people and you can help me in this endeavor.

How can you help? By helping yourself and others around you.

You can help yourself by learning and practicing these universal tools (simplified in the book “Stress To Joy”) to minimize your stress and maximize your joy. You can help others first by being role models. Your joy is going to impact people around you and as you share and pass the message on, the ripple effects would spread the joy in the world around you.

If you don’t learn to manage your stress better and develop happiness habits, you will continue to build stress and feel like your life is passing by without much joy. If you do apply the principles, you will feel that each day is an opportunity for growth, peace, and happiness.

Dedicated to your health and happiness.

Dr. Rozina.

PS: This technique is from the “Stress to Joy” program. Many people suffer from high work stress which leads to stress-related conditions like heart attacks. Therefore, I am on a mission to take this training to workplaces. If you would like me to bring this training to your team, please get in touch.

# 1 Bestselling Author, Psychiatrist, Transformational Speaker


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The Stress to Joy® program is available in


Print Book 

Audio Book

Online Course

Guided Gratitude Journal

I share many tools and techniques that I have found to be helpful. They are not intended to replace treatments. Please seek treatment from licensed medical or health professionals as needed. I change all names for privacy.


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