
The Best Way To Make Your Mother’s Day Special

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The Best Way to Make Your Mother Happy

I ask most of my patients; “Tell me three things you are grateful for.” Recently a patient answered; “I am grateful that my mom is still with us.”

The interpreter in the room and I realized what a blessing it is to have our mothers in our lives. The interpreter said let me text my mom right away.

In our busy lives, so many times we forget the gift we have called mother. We take it for granted until…

Mother’s day is one opportunity to remind us and express our gratitude towards our mothers.

How do you share with your mother that you are grateful for her?

What do you do to let her know every day and especially today?

I believe the best way is to express that appreciation is a specific and sincere manner. Share how you are following her teachings and that her efforts have made you a better person.

Either make a personal card or even if you buy a card, write a special note with it.

“I love you, mom. You, by just your presence, bring happiness to me.

I also appreciate all you have done for me, especially that time when you…

You supported me, gave me courage.

Today whatever I do and whatever I am…  I give you credit for it.

I couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you for being my…

The way that specific appreciation is going to make her feel, nothing else can. A mother feels truly happy when she sees that her efforts have made an impact. When her children appreciate her, she feels the inner joy.  

So this mother’s day, and on and off throughout the year, give your mother a personalized note.

Appreciate her for being part of your life with specific reference to something she did — express gratitude for how she affected you.

If your mother has passed away from this life and moved on to the next stage, write a note to her, anyway. Her soul would be happy.

Share with me what you appreciate about your mother.

In gratitude to my mother, being a mother myself and all the mothers, as a gift, I have made my award-winning, best selling book; “Stress to Joy” FREE for a limited time.

If you want to give this gift to your mom, your self or a wonder woman in your life that could benefit from it. Check it out here and spread the love!

Happy Mother’s day,

Dedicated to all Mother’s everywhere!


Let me know what you found most useful and if you have any questions.


Dr. Rozina

#1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Psychiatrist

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The Stress to Joy® program is available in

Print Book 

Audio Book

Online Course

Guided Gratitude Journal


I share many tools and techniques that I have found to be helpful. They are not intended to replace treatments. Please seek treatment from licensed medical or health professionals as needed. I change all names for privacy.


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